Boustead Gets MRO Contract for Bofors 40mm/L70 Gun

04 Februari 2017

KD Paus 3507 with Bofors 40mm/L70 gun (photo : TLDM)

Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad ("BHIC" or "The Company") - receipt of contract for the supply and delivery of spares, maintenance and trainings for Bofors 40mm/L70 Gun for the Royal Malaysian Navy by BHIC Bofors Asia Sdn Bhd.

We refer to the announcement on 6 October 2016 with regard to the receipt of a Letter of Acceptance (“LOA”) from the Ministry of Defence Malaysia (“MOD”), on behalf of the Government of Malaysia, by BHIC Bofors Asia Sdn Bhd (“BBA”) [a joint venture between BHIC Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd (51 percent) - a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, and BAE Systems Bofors Holdings Sdn Bhd (49 percent)] for the supply and delivery of spares, maintenance and trainings for the Royal Malaysian Navy’s Bofors 40MM/L70 Gun.

The Company wishes to announce that BBA has today received the executed formal Contract dated 12 January 2017 from the MOD.

There were no differences between the substance of the formal Contact and the LOA.

This announcement is dated 12 January 2017.



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